Peer Tutoring Available

Meredith Howard, Co-Editor

Falling behind in a course or two? Need some personalized help with the concepts you are struggling with?

Lincoln Land Community College offers free one on one peer tutoring services in the Center for Academic Success. (CAS)

Appointments can be scheduled at the CAS in lower level Sangamon below the library or by calling the CAS office at 217-786-2396.

Appointments may be scheduled up to two weeks in advance.

Peer tutoring is available in many courses, and each session is one hour long. A student may schedule up to 8 hours of tutoring per week.

Students must have earned an A in each course they wish to tutor, ensuring that they are well equipped to answer questions from their peers.

LLCC peer tutors are also required to complete training sessions and obtain certification through the College Reading and Learning Association to tutor students.

Lincoln Land prepares their tutors well for their positions, providing tutee’s with a beneficial learning experience.  

If you find yourself on a time crunch on a Sunday when the CAS is closed, you can utilize free online tutoring available on Blackboard.

Tutoring is also available for currently enrolled LLCC students who plan to retake the Accuplacer test.

There are many benefits to working with a peer tutor. They may seem more approachable than a professor who has been an expert in his or her field for years. Sometimes it helps to hear the same information from a different person with a different perspective than you are used to hearing in your regular classroom.

Peer tutors can assist with not only course content, but also necessary study skills.

By getting help with specific course content and acquiring and honing classroom study skills, the goal is to enable students to learn independently.

This will increase their chances of success in both their current and future courses.

What are some signs that you may benefit from meeting with a tutor? According to the LLCC site, if you have failed the course previously, have attended class for two or more weeks and still don’t understand the material, don’t meet you goals for your test scores, or have trouble completing assignments, tutoring might be a good idea for you.

Tutors can help with note-taking skills, test-taking confidence, and course content, and tutoring services can be valuable to almost any student.