2020 Homecoming Court share why they run
February 22, 2020
LLCC’s 2020 homecoming week has brought us so many activities and opportunities, many being for the homecoming court. They shared their reasons for running, and what it means to them to be on the court.

Seth Jacobs is running for Homecoming King of 2020.
Seth Jacobs is a student worker here on campus. He works for accessibility services as a peer tutor. He occasionally runs tours for PRM as well. In his past semesters, he has even worked for student life.
Jacobs running for homecoming court came as a surprise to him, “I was honestly just kinda like ‘why not!’ I’ve got time so I might as well just go for it and see what happens.” Seth says.
Receiving the title of homecoming king would mean a lot to Jacobs, “I would feel recognized in the things that I do on campus. I’ve done a lot of student worker jobs, I’ve tutored a lot of people, and it would feel nice to feel like I did good, I did make an impact. It’s not so much about winning a crown as it is about making an impact and people feeling good about that.”
“In all honesty, I didn’t really want people to vote for me, I just figured it was enough to be on the court,” Jacobs says about running. ” I felt a little awkward about it, but I’m still grateful for the chance,” Jacobs says. If he had to pick a reason however it would be because he is “crazy involved” with LLCC.

Rick Hollingshead is running for Homecoming King 2020.
Rick Hollinshead is currently president of the Student Government Association. He is also an active member of the MP3 club and PTK. In his past semesters, he has also worked for student life.
Hollingshead was nominated for the spot on homecoming court. “I didn’t nominate myself, and it did come to a surprise to me that I was nominated.” He says. At this point, I’m just going for it. I’ve never been interested in it in high school, and I’m just kind of seeing where everything lands with it. If it happens it happens!”
“It would surprise me because I didn’t think I was that influential on campus, let alone that noticeable, I never really tried to be,” Hollingshead says about being noticed on campus, and what it means to him. “It just feels like I’m a lot more in the spotlight compared to my last two semesters.”
He continues, “This semester is a lot more about the community of the campus. I’m getting to know people and getting connected, and just meeting a lot more people than I knew before.”
Hollingshead says that it’s funny that he was the one who ended up getting nominated. “I was trying to get a couple of my other friends on the homecoming court, so the fact that I’m here is a total shock to me. If people feel so inclined to vote for me thanks, I never really expected it, I never thought that I deserved it.”

Cheyenne Kesselring is running for Homecoming Queen 2020.
Cheyenne Kesselring is a sophomore at LLCC. She is heavily involved. An officer of the Honors Society Phi Theta Kappa, as well as a member of GSA. Her involvement doesn’t stop there, she works for public relations and marketing as a student worker.
Cheyenne was nominated to run for homecoming court. “I didn’t even know it was a thing to run for homecoming court, so I was like ‘oh my gosh!'” She says.
After thinking it over, she then decided that It could be a good idea for her, she says, “it would be a really cool way to connect with even more people at lincoln land because I really like talking to people and meeting new people. I think it’s a fun way to represent a school that I really enjoy attending.”
If she won, she wants people to know that it would mean a great deal to her, “It would just kind of just be a representation of the bonds that I’ve made here, and the friendships and connections I’ve made,” She says.
To be voted in by her peers would mean that she has made an impact on students lives. That is all Kesselring is going for.
Being so involved with Lincoln Land is just one reason to vote for Kesselring. Being so dedicated to making others smile, Kesselring insists on voting for her if she has ever made your day.

Travis McCullough is running for Homecoming King 2020.
Travis McCullough is very dedicated to Lincoln Land. President of the black student union, vice president of psychology club. are commitments that take up most of this time. This is on top of being a full-time student.
Nominated by his BSU advisor, Travis is hoping to get himself more out there. “It’s a good opportunity for myself, I try to partake in as many events as possible to try and get the full college experience.”
Of course, McCullough is always thinking about the bigger picture,” going into a bigger university, it will help me have a smoother transition and hopefully get me more officer positions there.”
McCullough practices humility, so he is not used to seeing himself in the spotlight. But he still is grateful for the opportunity. “I’m not really used to promoting myself, but I think it would be a great accomplishment. I would be representing Lincoln Land to the best of my ability.”
A vote for McCullough is a vote for representation. “I want to promote something that’s bigger than myself.” He hopes that people can see past the surface level when it comes to voting. “I believe that people who see my genuineness are hopefully inclined to latch on to that.”

Madison Leek is running for Homecoming Queen 2020.
Secretary of SGA, President of MP3 club, member of GSA, These are all of the things that keep Madison Leek busy on campus. She also works as a music librarian student worker.
Leek was nominated into the court and was ready to begin the process. “I was lying in bed when I got the email and I was really excited about it. I didn’t know I was that well known on campus.” She says.
However, winning the crown would mean more than just recognition to her, “It’s just a big shock to even be on it.” “In high school, I always wished that I would have done these kinds of things. Having this would just help me be more confident in myself and it says that I can do these kinds of things.”
But even if things don’t work out in her favor she will still be happy for her fellow court mates, “If I do not I would still be okay, because the other two are beautiful and amazing people, and if they won they would deserve it.”
A vote for Leek is a vote for promoting campus activities. “I’m very active on campus, I’m a very personable person, and even if I do win I will still be the same person I was.”
The winner of the crown will be announced at the Living in Color homecoming dance tonight, Feb. 22, 2020. The dance starts at 9 p.m.