A Message from the President

Dear Lincoln Land Family,

As we find ourselves in the second week of operating Lincoln Land Community College remotely, I want to share with everyone the College’s current plans for the end of this semester and beyond. More changes and challenges will surely come, so flexibility will be the operative word for the foreseeable future.

Given Governor Pritzker’s latest stay at home order, LLCC will continue remote operations through at least April 30. All classes (with the exception of those with lab/clinical requirements) will complete the semester on schedule in the current remote format. The Vice President of Academic Services is working with the faculty and academic deans to plan for completion of those lab/clinical courses with the additional requirements, and he will share those plans as soon as possible. We are being flexible and creative, but in many cases our actions are dictated by accrediting, licensing or certifying agencies. We continue dialogues with those agencies and have received approval for alternative deliveries in some disciplines.

In short, the vast majority of our classes should be completed within the normal semester, and we continue to look for remote/online options that might be effective and will help students who still need lab or clinical experience to complete as soon as is safely possible.

Unfortunately, LLCC will not have our regularly scheduled May graduation. We know this is an important event, and I assure you that we will have some sort of celebration for graduates – more to come on how and when.

I know everyone is being overwhelmed with emails and messages as you try and take care of school, home, work and yourselves. So, in an effort not to add to that burden, I am limiting my communications just to sharing broad reaching information.

Day-to-day operational news will come from the experts: course communications and assistance from faculty, deans and our Academic VP; student service news, guidelines and assistance from success coaches, financial aid, records, admission and Center for Academic Success staff working with the VP of Student Services.  Our human resource and business offices are sending regular communications regarding any changes in policy/procedure we are implementing in order to better support employees as we continue to operate in uncharted territory.  IT is managing help desk requests, and public relations is maintaining updates on the website while also getting information out to our communities. The Foundation continues to seek resources to help students with emergent needs.

The bottom line is although not physically together, we are still fully operational and have numerous resources to support our faculty, staff and students. Students should continue to check our website, LLCC email and texts regularly for updates. Faculty, staff and administration should check LincIn daily for new information and to see how some of our staff are creatively managing work, families and play right now.

Continue to take care of yourselves and your families.

Charlotte Warren


Lincoln Land Community College