Students get the chance to explore new and exciting clubs at LLCC

Zach Aiello, Editor-in-Chief

SPRINGFIELD – This past Tuesday, Jan 30, Lincoln Land and Student Life services gave students the chance to walk around and talk with different clubs that had set up tables in the commons. Many clubs that had set up shop were returning to recruit new students. 

Have a passion for something? Lincoln Land probably has a club for it. With so many diverse clubs being offered through LLCC, it’s hard not to be involved in something through the school. I was able to get the chance to talk with some of the club leaders and let them give a good idea of what they offer for every student here.

“We are a group of students who come together and accept anybody,” said Madison Mings, a member of the Gay-Straight Alliance club.

This prominent LLCC club helps provide any support needed for students who have coming-out or sex-related issues. The club also helps out with bake sale events located at the Phoenix Center. One such event was national Coming Out Day where the group set up tables and offered help and support for anybody in need. “We do anything for the community of the LGBTQ, we are accepting people and anyone can join.”

The Gay-Straight Alliance club meets on Thursdays between 12:00-1:30 in the student life office.

Niko Robledo
Austin Boyett of the Student Government Association.

Do you follow politics and keep up to date on issues that impact you as a student? You may be interested in joining the Student Government Association then.

“We work as the voice of the students,” said Tiffany Fenner, Secretary in the SGA.

One of Lincoln Land’s longest serving clubs which serves to help build and organize a student-led community throughout campus. Fenner added, “Anything that is happening with the students, we try to fix it or address any issues that need to be addressed.”

To help connect with the student body the SGA conducts town hall meetings where students are allowed to voice their opinions and be heard by their fellow peers. “We use it to get a feel of the students and hear any concerns they may have, which we address to the board of trustees, the president, and the vice president” Fenner explained.

The SGA meets every Wednesday and meetings are open bi-weekly for the general public.

If you are a fan of English literature than you might enjoy English Studies club. “We promote the reading of classic contemporary literature, we also encourage the writing original work,” said Cora Farris, member of the English Studies club. Not only do students get the chance to explore different aspects of literature but will get the chance to express their writing skills.


Niko Robledo
Cora Farris of the English Studies Club.

The English Studies club is open to the public with meetings at 2:00 in the student life center.

For some, the study of the mind can be a fascinating subject and that is what the Psychology club is all about.

 “We explore psychology outside of the classroom and we hold events to further understand it” explained Brad Lovekamp, part of the Psychology club. “Last semester we held a TED Talks on the negative side of social media. Next semester we have a TED talks lined up about Schizophrenia better understand it” he added.

Psychology club meets every Wednesday at 4:00 in Menard Hall Room 2250

“We help girls to find their identity with their hair, and to form like a sisterhood,” said President and Co-founder Joy Waddy of the brand new A Different Curl club.

This new club brings a fresh take on students and the care and attention for hair. “I help to teach girls about their natural hair, different regiments and products that they can use to make their hair more easier to care for.” The club is focused on helping girls find their identity with their hair, something that some girls have been looking forward to for a long time. “We’re all about promoting beauty in girls,” added Joy Waddy

A Different Curl hasn’t established a meeting time yet but any questions or concerns can be directed at [email protected]

Niko Robledo
Emily Jung, Joy Waddy-Chambers and Tiffany Fenner of A Different Curl.

Zach Aiello can be reached at [email protected]