Lamp analysis finds college info on sexual harassment is wrong
SPRINGFIELD — An investigation by The Lamp found people experiencing sexual harassment at Lincoln Land may find it hard to get the help they need.
Lamp staff found most signs around campus lacked correct information on whom to contact. On the main campus, the two signs designated by LLCC Board of Trustees policy on Sexual Harassment did not have the correct information, and one was missing contact information. Furthermore, a survey of faculty and staff found only three out of 12 specifically mentioned the person who is vested with handling sexual harassment claims.
When asked prior to publication, officials in student services acknowledged these issues existed and said they were already working on correcting them.
One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. Of these cases, only 10 percent of victims ever report what happened, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Difficulty knowing who one should contact is one reason students may be unlikely to report sexual harassment or assault.
Board policy 1.7, section XVIIII (sic), says that on the main campus: “The current identities, office locations, and telephone numbers of the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer/Co-Title IX Coordinator, the Associate Vice President, Human Resources, and the Vice President, Student Services/Co-Title IX Coordinator shall be posted outside the Human Resources office, Room 1217, Menard Hall and the Student Life office, Lower Level, Menard Hall.”
Title IX is a federal civil right that prevents sexual discrimination in education.
The only sign outside Student Life was a general sign about sexual harassment, listing the name of the Lesley Frederick, vice president of student services and former co-Title IX coordinator. No other board-mandated people were listed on that sign.
The sign outside human resources listed outdated information. It listed the correct people, but it did not list new Title IX Coordinator Shelby Bedford, who was hired in that position in September 2017.

Bedford is now the sole Title IX coordinator, replacing Frederick and Nicole Ralph, director of employment and benefits for human resources. Ralph remains the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer.
Throughout campus, there are several sexual harassment posters. At the publication deadline, most of the ones on the main campus still listed Frederick as the Title IX contact.
One sign in the library has the correct contact person, Bedford. However, that sign was not there when first asked about by Lamp staff. Only after that inquiry were new signs provided to the library and hung on the bulletin board at the end of February, according to library staff.
The process to change signs takes time, and it began last semester, Bedford said.
“The posters have been distributed to all the departments and locations that Lincoln Land has,” Bedford said.
The Lamp asked 12 faculty and staff to whom they would direct a student who reported sexual harassment. Answers included the police, counseling and student affairs, but only three specifically mentioned Bedford.
All of those venues would likely lead to Bedford, but all faculty and staff would be mandated reporters, required to inform Bedford regardless of whether or not the student sought further help.
When asked a follow-up question about Bedford as a proper reporting person, at least five said they had never heard of her.
LLCC board policy states students, faculty, and administrators are expected to be knowledgeable about the college’s policy on sexual assault and harassment.
“Shelby (Bedford) has done some training sessions with employees and will continue training and have more events in March,” said Leslie Johnson, assistant vice president of student success. “She is also at the Sexual Assault and Violence Education task force events for students. We are interested in ideas on how to meet students.”
Anyone wanting to make a confidential report can speak to counselors in Advising and Counseling. The two designated to maintain confidentiality are Claire Heffron-McKinney, who can be reached at 786-2591, and Ryan Howland, who can be reached at 786-3676.
Bedford can be reached at Menard 1145 or via phone at 786-4682.
“The problems this article identifies are problems we have identified ourselves, we are addressing it as quickly and thoroughly as possible,” Bedford said. “We agree this information definitely needs to be out there.”
Johnson said the process has been ongoing, and they have until May 30 to be in full compliance with state law. She assured Lamp staff that all incorrect information will be updated by then.
Kallie Cox can be reached at [email protected].
Vanessa • Mar 3, 2018 at 6:39 am
As a New Student Orientation Leader, I want to note that all incoming students who attend the mandatory orientation are not only told exactly who Shelby Bedford is BUT are taken the student physically into Student Success office where her office is. She also, when available, will greet them herself.