Election Day is coming! A few easy clicks will tell you how and where to vote

October 13, 2020
Are you registered to vote?
With just a few easy clicks, you can get registered to vote in the 2020 Presidential Election. There are several ways to cast your ballot and with COVID-19 being a public health concern, many voters have been exploring every available option.
-The deadline for online registration is Sunday, October 18th while the deadline to register by mail required voters to have needed forms postmarked by Tuesday, October 6th. You can also register and vote in person up to Election Day on Tuesday, November 3rd.
Early voting began on Thursday, September 24th, and will go on until Monday, November 2nd. Hours and locations for early voting vary based on where you live.
You can also request an Absentee Ballot, but that request needs to be received by Thursday, October 29th , and postmarked by Tuesday, November 3rd.
The best way to make sure your vote is counted is to make a plan. Set aside a day and time to vote in your desired format. If you plan on voting in-person, plan to arrive early with the required identification and at your assigned polling place. If voting by mail, make sure to carefully follow directions, package the ballot and return it to proper address by the required deadline.
Click here to register on the Illinois State Board of Elections provided website