The past three semesters I have spent here on The Lamp have been full of experience, to say the least.
Starting out as a photographer, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to start writing and designing.
Running around campus or town to collect the materials I needed not only helped me to meet new people and discover new ideasĀ or philosophies, but aided in my search in finding myself.
Thank you to all of my professors here, namely the ones who helped/forced me to actually write, for I would have never guessed I would find some sort of niche in writing.
I owe the biggest thank you to Ryan Wilson, for not only convincing me to sustain my position on The Lamp, but for unconditionally and patiently helping me.
I hope to carry these skillsĀ and memories along with me wherever I go, and I hope to see the future Lamp staffers excel in continuing to make this paper a strong, creative expression of who we are here at LLCC.