Halloween costumes concerns and excitement

Alicia Blood, Lamp staff

Halloween is the time when candy is on everyone’s’ minds, as well as costumes and spooky decorations. Adults now join in the fun dressing up for the occasion each year.

“I love it!” said an excited Danielle Lanham, a current LLCC student. “Even though we’re all adults, for the most part, I think it’s awesome that we get the chance to dress up and have fun, even if we have to go to class.” 

But because of recent school shootings and violent fights, some schools, especially colleges, have become concerned about those who dress for Halloween. Beyond concerns for safety, there are also concerns about offensive or controversial garb.  

Most schools have rules about Halloween costumes, and the No. 1 rule is no masks. But some may ask what the harm is in wearing a Darth Vader mask or even a just a mask of Jack Skellington from “Nightmare Before Christmas.”  

Lanham said she didn’t see any harm in dressing up for the holiday. 

Though some may find concerns, there are those students, such as Lanham, who still find the opportunity to dress up fun and almost like reliving their childhood. 

Some students, though, do not dress up but find enjoyment in seeing others partaking in the festivities.  

Hannah Anderson, another current student at LLCC, says that she does not really dress up for the holiday, but she agrees with no masks. 

“I don’t really dress up,” Anderson said. “I’m in a dance group, so I wear my dance outfit, which could be considered dressing up. But I can agree with no masks since there have been several incidents where students have worn masks to school during a shooting.” 

LLCC students to dress up, even Student Life and other organizations have hosted costume contests in previous years. However, the previous costume contest rules have stated: “No masks, must be appropriate for the classroom, no inappropriate cultural reference and no items that resemble weapons (guns, knives, etc.)”

Though there are some that argue that college students should not dress up for the Halloween festivities, LLCC definitely promotes the festive spirits in other ways, too. Student Life typically offers craft-making activities, bewitching treats and snacks and other activities and games in the A.Lincoln Commons.